Welcome to our musings...

Welcome to our blog! This blog started from a seedling of an idea between three Filipina-American women who crossed paths in Oakland, CA and has grown into a journey that we're now sharing with you all. We hope to celebrate our Filipina-American experiences through short stories, photos, videos, and all kinds of deliciousness. In no way do we claim to represent "THE" Filipina/o-American perspective but can only speak for ourselves. We bring to the table our three different, yet somehow connected, and raw perspectives as we go through this exploration together. Join us!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Bakit Bev?

Bakit/why? Why blog about my Filipina-American experience? I think my response might come out a bit Catch 22-ish because in order for me to really answer why I'm blogging, I have to blog. Michelle, hit the spot though when she said, "What does that mean anyway?" What is this about being Fil-Am? That's what I'm here to muse about and just a heads up but I muse in abstract.

As a 1.5 generation immigrant, I've always felt in limbo. I know, "limbo" has a lot of connotations but the one I'm tinkering with here is the feeling of being in between: in between where, when, and who.

In between where? I was born in the Philippines and came over Stateside when I was seven. I've never really felt like I was a citizen or belonged to either chunks of land but my papers said different. Up until I was in my early 20s I was a citizen of the Philippines, then after some paperwork, *poof* I am now a citizen of the U.S. It was seamless on paper but the feeling of being in between two places stays with me.

In between when? Seven years old seems like such a long time ago. Yet at the same time it seems like only yesterday because I can still hear the jeepneys passing by and I can still smell the palengkes/public markets of the streets of Olongapo. The memories of my short time in the Philippines are sometimes more clear than my memories of growing up in California. Yes, after a certain age my memories of here are more concrete but I always wonder why those early years seem like a blur. I wonder why even though I've spent most of my adult life here, I refer to my childhood there so much more.

In between who? I've been blessed with a wonderful family and true friends. One would think I would stay put being so lucky but I find myself being a nomad. Is it because I'm eclectic (nice word for indecisive) and I tend to float around? Not too sure about it myself but no matter how close I am to a bunch of folks, I've always felt like the odd ball. Could just be a case of the "teens" though but I figure I would be over that by now right?

So why bring this whole limbo business up?

I blog here, about my Fil-Am experiences, and with these two badass Fil-Am women because it situates me and the limbo butterflies in my tummy ease up. This blog is a space where three Fil-Ams, with totally different backgrounds connect on some not-easily-explained level. It's not easily explained but it's there and if we can spread this funky (in a good way) connection, then why not?

Hope you'll keep coming back to connect with us.

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